Friday, July 8, 2011

What Bernardete learned from the custodian project

Dear all,
I think that the project meant so much for everyone. The most important thing was the initiative to do something; that is, to take action and get some teachings from this. Before we implement the project, I had some idea about how hard the custodians’ work was, because I usually clean my house.

Bernardete with classmates. She is second to left. 
I had idea that their job was difficult to do and somehow painful; however, I did not imagine how painful it was. Those people, most of them, have many tasks to do outside university such as take care of children, housework, and being spouses that require much of them, so I guess that because of the kind of work that are doing as cleaners, in the end of the day they fell physical and spiritually so stressed.

Amira, Amira, Shahad and Bernardete get ready to work. 

I respect their work, and this is one thing that I learned; respect and consideration. I never use so dangerous chemicals when I clean my house, but they do. Then, besides the use of some powerful chemicals to clean, I learned that the protection is very important to avoid any harm.

whistle while you work
I notice that the custodians are educated people, and to do this job they got training. I confirm what I just knew that the difference among custodians, students, and staff is only the division of labor, or “specialization”.

Bernardete mops the floor like a professional.

Then, there is nothing about superiority or inferiority. They work is valuable, and I learned that all parties that I mention here, they are parts of a puzzle which make the machine run university.  

Bernardete with custodians and students in the right front row.

I had a lot of fun, too.
Bernardete Gomana.

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